Christ’s Church in Vogan
One of the marks of the early church is that it was a church that grew from the inside out. That is, it was first internal strength, then, outward explosion. We are so privileged to see how the church here in Vogan is following the same pattern. We really are so thankful for the way each member is growing in the knowledge of the Word and drawing closer to God. The increase in number is so motivating and members are being challenged like never before to go out and make disciples.
Bruno Teaching |
Choir getting ready to sing. |
Aaron loves dancing! |
Assembly growing and rejoicing!
Free At Last
Gifty was from a family of 10 children. From the year 2000, she watched her brothers and sisters dying one each year until she was the only one left alive. They thought it was a family inherited disease or something. However, none of them showed signs of severe sickness before their death. The family then went to consult with an idol priest. The “spirits” and the priest told them that their grandmother was barren and was able to bear children only because she made a vow to a certain god in Ghana, pledging 10 million cedis (roughly $5,000) and some animal sacrifices. Unless they paid the money, the priest said Gifty will be the last one to die and will be run over by a vehicle. Gifty has always wanted to be a Christian but was afraid the evil spirits will come after her. She also was falsely told by another church that she could not become a Christian because her husband has more than one wife. Her son started attending our school this past year and that is how I met Gifty. She started attending our church assemblies and my wife’s women’s Bible study group. I then started doing personal Bible studies with her and her mom. Two months ago Gifty made a decision to be immersed for the forgiveness of her sins and 2 weeks ago that she has never felt such peace in her life before and I told her, “You are free at last!”. Please pray for her mom as she is still afraid, not wanting to make the commitment. Isn’t it true that people, because of fear of death, have been enslaved by satan all their lives? But praise be to God, that Jesus, through His death, rendered him powerless and set us free!!
Ladies Retreat in Ghana
I, Amy, was finally able to attend the Ladies retreat in Ghana this year in May. Djodjina, my Togo translator and our 2nd & 3rd grade teacher travelled with me because I preferred not to travel alone and wanted someone to enjoy the fellowship of the saints in Ghana. It was so wonderful to see both our American and Ghanaian sisters in Christ! The theme was “The Wise Woman Builds” and the topics were on: building ourselves, our homes, and the church, both physically and spiritually. I was asked to speak on the topic “Building the church physically”. It was both a challenge and a joy for me and I was able to glean some more information in asking the ladies to give their ideas of ministry outreach and evangelism at the end of my teaching. Jessica Osebreh talked about building our selves physically. She shared about the importance and advantages of staying physically fit for ministry. In the end we were asked if we wanted to “Take the Challenge” and those who did, recorded their BMI (Body mass index), blood pressure, and overall health goals for next year. At the next ladies retreat those we will be able to see who wins the challenge. I took the challenge! Pray for me to be able to produce good health habits! Although I have a huge desire to write more about each woman’s topic and their teaching, I know it would take many posts and much of your time. However, I do have several pictures below that speak a thousand words!! Sherrie Hostetter and Jessica Osebreh did a marvelous job of putting everything together! They both have been great examples and advisors for me through my years in Africa. Please check out their ministry blogs located at the right section of this blog. Thank you ladies of faith!!!!
Great and encouraging teachings and devotions!
Checking our BMI! |
I enjoyed teaching too! |
Transforming plain flip-flops into new creations for one of our craft times. |
Fun singing! |
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Kukua Jantua |
Me (Amy) and Jessica Osebreh |
Sherry Hostetter and her grand-daughter Havilah! |
Enjoying fellowship and fun!!