Tchadome Church
You may remember in one of our earlier reports about a large number of immersions of people I was doing Bible studies with in Tchadome. Last year this church had an average of 20 in attendance. With God’s help I was able to start going there every Friday for Bible study. We also encouraged Toglo, our teacher and Tchadome’s former preacher, to commute and continue preaching every Sunday. Also, others in our congregation in Vogan took turns in pairing up to help on Sundays. As a result, this congregation is thriving and growing and is now averaging 70 in attendance.
Tchadome assembly
These 7 are showing interest in immersion.
Orphan Care in Tchadome
One of the things that has also opened several doors for us in witnessing to the Tchadome people is our orphan care program. Eight months ago we had 2 trusted, Tchadome church assembly members find 50 of the neediest orphans in their village. Many of these children are without clothes and are not even going to school. We provided them with school materials and feed them on our Saturday VBS. Several of these children would not have been able to attend school this year had we not taken the initiative to help. In this world of people feeling worthless, hurting, both physically and spiritually poverty stricken, people need more than a sermon. They need a cup of clean, cold water. This is what we are striving to do in the name of Jesus. If you or your church want to help with our orphan care program, you can write us at [email protected] .
Teaching VBS lesson in Tchadome
Art Time!
Delicious food!!
Giving school materials to the orphans in Tchadome
ACV Closing Program
This year’s school closing program was thrilling for both the students and the teachers. We first had an excellent meal prepared by our cook, Akouvi! Then, the starting of the actual program where I, Bruno, was able to preach on how “Education is not wisdom”. I also talked about having a good marriage, children who fear the Lord, and work in His vineyard is to be desired than all the worldly knowledge one can get. We then enjoyed our students’ special singing and dance. Followed by John, our 5th grade boarding student, who did a devotion on having true joy verses wordly happiness. In referring to true joy he talked about how there is always rejoicing in heaven when one sinner repents (Luke 15:7) and we should be rejoicing in that too. He compared wordly happiness with those who get together to drink and end up in quarrels. After John’s devotion we announced the top students and those advancing to the next grade level. One of our young ladies was so happy about passing that she was in tears. She had failed 2 times in her previous schools and this was her first year in our school. Last but not least, we watched a video, prepared by my wife, of our school. Everything went on so well and we thoroughly enjoyed it to the fullest!!!!
Akouvi, our wonderful cook
School staff and helpers enjoying the meal!
Practicing our song |
Older students dancing
John doing his devotion and John posing for a picture!
Tears of joy for passing! (girl in cream dress)
Excitement over seeing a fellow student pass!
Top 3, 5th grade passing scores!
Left to Right: Maceline, Patricia (Edith), and Justine
School Staff
Left to Right: Mr. Koko (assistant and Bible memory work helper), Miss Djodjina (2nd & 3rd grade teacher), Mr. Feli (1st grade teacher), Mr. Toglo (Kindergarten teacher), Mr. Tamegno (4th & 5th grade teacher), Mrs. Amy Koumedjra (English teacher), Mr. Bruno Koumedjra (Principal and Director)
Bruno, Amy, and Aaron

After Program dancing! FUN!!!!
Lome Bible Studies
There are 3 guys from Lome who have been thirsty for the Truth. I don’t know how, but they were led to me, and for about 6 months now I have been going to Lome every Tuesday for an in-depth Bible study with them. They assemble every Lord’s Day with their wives, children, and some friends. Last month, my wife and I were able to assemble with them, for the fact that they asked me to preach. Pray that these people continue to have a desire to hear and live for the Truth. Pray that they will grow and fully grasp that we are in a spiritual revolution.
I am so full of joy and proud of 2 people I have been doing Bible studies with. On Monday, August 5th, Kossi (23) and on Sunday, August 11th, Akoele (22) were immersed for the forgiveness of their sins and received the gift of the Holy Spirit. God is good all the time!!! Praise Him!!!
Kossi’s (23) Immersion

Akoele’s (22) Immersion
Emmanuel’s Graduation
Emmanuel is a bright young man who has worked very hard to graduate as a certified nurse. Many from our congregation were able to go on Monday, Aug. 12th to see him receive his certificate from the representative of the minister of health and rejoice with him in this accomplishment. We praise God that Emmanuel will be using his education to work as our school nurse and helping those in our orphan care program in the villages!
Emmanuel receiving his certificate
Bruno, Emmanuel, and Amy
Bruno and Emmanuel
New Church in Nyitaveglo
Nyitaveglo is Bruno’s home village. Those of you who know Bruno, know that he has a great desire is to see his family become Christians. Recently we have been seeing some big steps his parents have been making toward that decision. Some of you know that Bruno’s grandfather was a well know witch doctor and because of this both of Bruno’s parents have been involved in many of the traditional idol sacrifices. His dad, although not really believing in anything, still did this as a social and leadership practice. His mom wears idol rings and has idols in their home and truly fears the gods. This past year or so, Bruno’s dad has been encouraging him to start a church in Nyitaveglo. Then, the past few months, his mom had started walking to the Tchadome village (3 miles) to attend their assembly. She was really scared to do this but still kept going. Both of them did not stay for the idol ceremony for their daughter’s wedding and his mom has taken off her idol rings!!
These past 2 weeks Bruno was able to pay for 6 years rent for land just 150 yards from his parents’ home. Several of the men from our assembly along with Bruno’s dad and other villagers went to clear the land and put up a shelter while Bruno’s mom cooked for them. Then, Friday, August 16th and Saturday, August 17th, they did film evangelization. On Sunday, August 18th, the Vogan and Tchadome churches assembled together with people from Nyitaveglo for their first assembly. It was so wonderful to see both our dad, mom, uncles, and cousins there!! Bruno’s mom was so happy after seeing the films because they helped her to see the power of God. She called Bruno that same day (Sunday) and asked him to forgive her for whipping him when he first showed strong interest in Christ at the young age of 10. She couldn’t stop talking and definitely wants to learn more about Christ! Please continue to pray for them and the people of Nyitaveglo! God is doing great things and we are praising Him constantly!!!!!
Assembling in Nyitaveglo
Bruno’s dad (in black) and mom (yellow and blue outfit on right)
Bruno dancing with his dad and uncles!
Bruno preaching hard!!