One of the things I love doing is personal Bible studies with people. By the power and grace of God, when I go and study with them in their homes, and maintain a certain consistency, very good stuff happens! Most of the time, the prospect obeys the Gospel. Here are some examples:
v On June 02nd of this year, Louise, a 17 year old student in our school, was immersed. v On June 9th we baptized 3 women who are now doing great and are trying their best in growing in their Christian walk.
v July 14th, Edmond, one of our high school students, was immersed and I continue to disciple him. Edmond volunteers by tutoring some of the younger children in school this summer and help them catch up with some of their school work. He also plays in the band every Sunday church assembly.
v July 27th, One of our teachers, Atikin, and his pregnant wife obeyed the Gospel and were baptized. The goal is to continue to train them. Atikin is full of potential. We give glory to God from whom every blessing flows!
Visitors, Interns, and Helpers!
The months of June and July were quite busy for us!
ØWe were blessed to have an intern, Cali, come stay with us for 7 weeks.She was so much fun and we really were thankful for the extra hands! Ø While Cali was here we had two large groups, come back to back for a week each. There was a total of 35 volunteers for free dental care and a teachers’ seminar. The dentist group did around 692 procedures worth an approximate value of $400,000 for free!! Many people were so grateful! They also had volunteers both weeks do a lot of painting! The teachers brought so many great teaching tools and student supplies and the seminar was so educational! We praise God also for Tim and Joni, Amy’s brother and sister-in-law for their encouragement. Tim doing devotions and updating electronics and also helping with solar panels. Joni was able to do a powerful devotion with the women and be such a personal encouragement to Amy. Both weeks were such a success and there is not enough room to write all the different stories here. Just know that many Bible study contacts are a result from such encouragement!!
Ø Another young lady from the teacher group, Taylor, remained an additional week with Cali and both seemed to enjoy helping at the chicken farm!
ØJust days after our ladies left we had an old friend and former intern, Jacob, arrive to be the best man at a wedding.Whose wedding, you may ask?We had a lady from Montana, Cassie, come stay with us last year.While here she met one of our young men, Bobo.So, just over 16 months later, here we are at their wedding.Cassie’s mom, nephew, and sister all got to come!Bruno married them on July 13th and it was a beautiful wedding!We now have Bobo and Cassie Womagno!
·We started our official summer vacation on the 7th of July.(Our schools go a little later and start a little later than the US schools) ·This past school year, over all, has been a success.For the 3rd consecutive year our school has come in top of the district. ·We try to lift Christ up through our school ministry, God is seeing all the Bible teaching and devotions we do with our students.He certainly hears all the prayers we pray publicly in front of the students and is honoring all our efforts by tremendously blessing our school.
Chicken Farm
We did something very amazing this year at our chicken farm!I mentioned a little about this in our last report.We were able to harvest about 30 sacks of corn, which will help feed those who worked to harvest it, our students in school, and our chickens.The way we are able to grow the corn is a great model for families in the villages to follow.Pray that they will meet much success with theirs crops in the coming years!
New Car!
We praise God that we were able to obtain, with the help of a church family, a new vehicle!We got it just in time!Bruno planned to go to Djagble this past Sunday with our old car and the axle broke again.Blessing never stop flowing!
Prayer Requests
oKoffi will be having surgery again next week.Please pray for him! oWe tend to focus on the wonderful things God is doing in our ministry when writing our reports.Please know with all the great things going on satan is attacking constantly!Please pray for all involved in the ministry here:church members and leaders, school teachers, all other workers, and us!Pray that we all have power and will to resist temptation to overcome sin and be good examples to all.Pray for us all to raise our children well! oPray for each person in our congregation in Vogan to each make one disciple this school year. oFor Bruno’s brother, Sunday and his wife to be converted oBruno’s uncle Mignanou to be open to the Gospel. oElectricity to be brought to the village of Nyitaveglo and put a pump in their well so the entire village can have access to clean water. oSpiritual breakthrough for the entire village of Tchadome. oThe relocation of the meeting site and more evangelistic outreach in the village of Avadjime. oThe road to Lome is being fixed.Pray that the workers will do the job effective and efficiently so the road will be paved by the end of this year.This will make travel to Lome much easier so we can go work with the assembly there more often. oPray for a great and successful school year 2019-2020.
Because of climate change talk going around everywhere and environmental protection, the Togo Minister of forestry had prohibited the cutting of trees.This decision has resulted in no wood at the carpentry shops.We need 100 students’ desks for our school.Cost of one desk used to be $30 but are now increased to $50 each.If you or your congregation can help us get those desks that would be wonderful!